Everything is changing, and this ship may be sinking, so what are we going to do about it? Let's be good neighbors together as we take this journey through color, light, gravity, form, and fluidity. Together, we can explore and experience freedom and formlessness.
This on-going series of self-described "Blobs" channels and articulates various moments in time, in specific physical locations, including Nature and City.
This art represents embodiment. Each work is most alive while it's still in formation — as the paint drips — moving across the canvas, transforming itself as water changes the surface of the Earth.
What is captured and stuccoed to the canvas , under a layer of glaze, is the stillness after the quake, the aftermath of the storm; captured dust.
Look carefully and you'll find worlds within worlds, and perhaps a truth:
that Life is an illusion, and that Art is the truest form of being there is.